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Women of Influence

Significant Women in Luxembourg American History

Introduction: Welcome
Introduction: Pro Gallery


Women’s experiences and voices are hard to find in history books. This is not because women were not a part of history. This is because women have been excluded from the history books. The modern study of history has been largely based on the “great man theory” by Thomas Carlyle, a philosopher in the 1800s. His theory was that history is shaped by the impact of influential and unique men. This idea has led to the history of great men being recorded, while great women and the general population has been left behind. This lack of women in history implies that women are not important. However, the women in this exhibit show just how many great women have had an influence on history. These women’s accomplishments range from medicine to historic preservation to national leadership to politics to sports. History that does not include the history of women is not a full history. The women in this exhibit significantly impacted Luxembourg American history. They are part of Luxembourg American history.

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Introduction: About My Project
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